Wednesday 2 July 2008

Wild Alaskan Sockeye with Avocado Salsa

Here is a quick an easy way to enjoy the seasonal yumminess of Alaskan Sockeye Salmon. A little side note on one of the ingredients. What we commonly call Snow Peas back in the state is referred to Mange Tout. Strange name, but all well, 'When in Rome.....".

What you Need:
  • Nonstick Skillet, Pot with Lid and Steamer, Spatula, Butter knife, Spoon, Small Mixing Bowl, and Something to Bake on
What's in It:
  • 2 Fillets of Wild Alaskan Sockeye
  • 1 Ripe Avocado
  • 1 Small Shallot (Small Dice)
  • 1 Clove Garlic (Minced)
  • Juice of One Lime
  • Bit of Chopped Cilantro
  • 2 Cups of Mange Tout
  • 2+ Tbsp Olive oil
  • Salt & Pepper too Taste
What to do With it:
  1. Preheat Oven to 450 degrees F
  2. Season Sockeye with S & P
  3. Heat Pan over High Heat with 1+ Tbsp of Oil
  4. Sear both sides of the Salmon and Place on Baking Vessel, then n the oven for 5-7 minutes (this will vary depending on how thick your fillets are and how well you like you fish done - thicker and more well done means longer and vice versa)
  5. Boil water in pot
  6. Half Avo, remove the pit, then score the flesh in a crisscross pattern with the back of the butter knife (this is done so that you don't cut through the skin) and scoop out into your mixing bowl with your spoon
  7. Add Shallot, Garlic, Lime juice, remaining Oil, Cilantro, and S & P too taste, then mix
  8. Add Mange Tout to the Pot
  9. Take Salmon from the oven and plate, top with the Avocado Salsa and add the Mange Tout to the side.
  10. Enjoy!!!


Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

I will enjoy!
Sounds like my kind of meal.

Little Miss Sparkle said...

This sounds devine- I think i will try it- thanks for sharing! :)