Monday 4 February 2008

Let's Get Started in the Raw (writing that is)

So this being the first post to my first blog, it will most likely ramble on a bit. I have several reasons for starting this blog. First and foremost it will serve as a means for me to share both the culinary knowledge I have acquired so far and the my experiences involving all things food (and drink of course) with friends, family, and whoever else that might be interested. Other reasons are as a way for me to record and further explore my most favorite subject, food of course, and perhaps to promote myself as a member of the ever increasing Personal Chef movement.

It has taken me a while to make this first post as I'm sure is the case with many first time bloggers. I wasn't quite sure where to start and I was afraid of making a mistake. That second reason is quite silly if you think about it. If I had waited for the site to be perfect and everything that I wrote to follow suite then this would never happen. So today as I was working on the details of this site I decided to dive right in. Why wait and why deliberate? I started this so I could write about what I know and push myself further in my career of choice. So here we are, me rambling with tons of grammatical errors and you, who probably aren't even reading this, wondering if this is truly a good way of wasting your time at home or possibly even work.

Well, enough of all that. Food is the basis of this blog and most everything that will be written or linked to it will be related in some way or another. First off, plan on lots of recipes and pictures to go along with them. I am extremely visual as which can be found from my choice of cookbooks. About 95% of them will have great big glossy pictures of the food featured in the recipes. I mean do you really want to cook something that you have no idea what it is supposed to look like? As far as I'm concerned the look of the food follows very closely to what it tastes like. Bad looking food, even if it is tasty isn't always that great. Where a dish that looks great and tastes good can comes off a lot better. Sorry about the tangent, but get used to it. As I get better at this I hope to improve on staying 'on task'. Others items of interest I hope to share are restaurant reviews, cookbooks and food writing, kitchen gadgets (I love em'), nutrition, traveling through regional food, local pubs and micro-brews, and anything else related to food.

I hope this is a start to something fun, informative, and wondrous for us all. Come along on the journey of life through the food that we eat. Please feel free to ask questions and make comments.

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