Thursday, 7 January 2010

A Belated Thanksgiving Blog

It may be the New Year, but better late then never I say.

Even though we live in the UK and the Brits don't observe this holiday, there is no better reason to cook up a giant bird then on Thanksgiving. Along comes the 4th Thursday of November and that means it's 'Turkey Time'. This year we actually had a third, as Shira's Mom, Peggy, came all the way from Shanghai, China to join us (not specifically for Thanksgiving, it just worked out that way.

So as for any true Thanksgiving, we went whole hog and did it up with all the trimmings as they say. Here is what was on the menu:

  • Herb Roasted Turkey stuffed with Aromatics
  • Rustic Style 'Smashed Potatoes' with Roasted Garlic
  • Wild Mushroom Stuffing
  • Green Salad with Blue Cheese/Apple/Walnut
  • Mushroom Gravy
  • Brussel Sprouts with Pancetta & Shallots
  • and of Course, Cranberry Sauce (from Scratch)


And now for the finished products...........

The Table.........